The Secret of God’s Favor

I am now in my 40th year of full time ministry and my 59th year of full time life! Seems and feels more like about 35. He renews our strength and restores our youth! One thing that living to this point in time has done; it’s given me some experience, and as we all know, experience is the best teacher.

There is something that God has shown us in His word over and over again regarding the success of life in the heart of the believer. It is the unattainable quest of one enormously essential trait…. humility. That’s right – the dreaded H word! God has seen fit to order the bulk of blessing for His children through the avenue of profound lowliness. The stickler about this is the fact that when you believe you have finally achieved this level of spiritual maturity, you are guaranteeing yourself that you most assuredly have not. Let us ponder this fragile subject.

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The Dumbing Down of The Church

Over the past 15 years I have had the privilege of traveling coast to coast in America and in countless nations around the world. The more I travel the more I see a disturbing trend in the church at large….we’re playing into the enemy’s hand.

When one considers Satan’s strategy, one needs to be reminded that the devil is cunning, crafty and has a detailed plan that would fool even the elect, if it were possible, and I believe that may be the case. So, let’s understand that he does not come out with a blatant lie and ask you to believe it, but rather as one who is masterful in changing a black line to a gray line over many years of filtering, until we have forgotten the black line ever existed.

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